New book available! “Can Behaviour Be Controlled? Women in Post-Revolutionary Egypt”

New book is available. “Can Behaviour Be Controlled? Women in Post-Revolutionary Egypt“.

This book addresses how identity, structures, and agency affect women’s everyday lives in post-revolutionary Egypt. The authors analyse the topic both on a macro- as well as on a micro-level. Through interviews and workshops, women around Egypt express their own experiences in dialogue, in groups and in drawings. Based on the analysis of this material the reader gets insights into personal experiences, believes and opinions of a diverse group of women in terms of age, economic class, education, geography, culture, religion, ethnicity, marital status, and political orientation. The detail-rich empirical material presented in the book visualize that the 2011 revolution works as an utter frame on a macro-level, while different issues are more pressing on a micro-level

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Mainstreaming the Extreme: Intersecting Challenges from the Far Right in Europe – new article in the journal Intersections

This is the first issue of the new journal Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics (EEJSP). As our point of departure, we take a timely subject for European societies: the far-right phenomenon as related to mainstream politics and discourse. Instead of relying exclusively on views of radical developments prevalent in the field of politics, our aim was to bring together insights from sociology, social anthropology, political science and media studies, as well as from discourse and network analysis, and integrate them into a comparative and interdisciplinary study of the phenomenon. As far as the investigated topics are concerned, special attention has been paid to the interplay of media and politics, the discursive aspects of politics, and the role of cultural commodification beyond ideologies on the supply side as well as recent developments explaining increasing interest on the demand side.

Denmark and Hungary are the prime examples used in the article. Read more

The article is co-authored with Margit Feischmidt, Academy of Social Sciences, Budapest.

Xenophobia and Nativism

New paper published!

Xenophobia and Nativism
Hervik, Peter. 2015. ”Xenophobia and Nativism. In “International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Wright, James D. (editor-in-chief), vol 25:796-801. Oxford: Elsevier. 2nd edition

Abstract: In everyday terms xenophobia is now used as a reference to dislike of foreigners, anti-immigration, anti-foreign, and/or anti-different groups, while xenophobia in the social sciences have imported semantic changes that reflect the mega-events, including 9/11, the Danish Muhammad Cartoon Crisis 2005/6 and the bombing and killings on 22 July 2011 in Norway.

In the new development xenophobia (including Islamophobic) and Nativism embrace to the idea of cultural incompatibility and the naturalization of xenophobic attitudes following from it. Out of this‚ understanding of xenophobia as a natural reaction, anti-migration springs as a nativist necessity with a right to defend “ones culture” while either legitimizing racism or denying that cultural and political self-defence can be racist.

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Ny artikel: “Race, ”race”, racialisering, racisme og nyracisme”

Studiet af racisme og racialisering i Danmark er komplekst og behæftet med stærke moralske og politiske interesser og følelser. Ofte omtales racisme og race uden reference til den foreliggende litteratur og betydningsfulde historiske erfaringer og uden inddragelse af de oplevelser, som især synlige minoriteter og danske statsborgere med ikke-vestlig oprindelse har med racistisk tænkning.

I denne nye artikel, udgivet i tidsskriftet Dansk Sociologi føres centrale aspekter ved racisme ind i en nutidig faglig diskussion.

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